Ex Parte 5253341 et al - Page 52

               Reexamination Control No. 90/005,742                                                                                   
               Patent 5,253,341                                                                                                       

          1    immediately reproduced on a display system, such as a television display.  Id. at col. 18, ll. 36-                     
          2    37.                                                                                                                    
          3            The ‘341 patent does not define or restrict the term “concentrator,” which is described                        
          4    therein in part as follows:                                                                                            
          5                    Where a cluster of EUS's 10 cannot economically justify a single                                       
          6            dedicated server, a neighboring server in the Global Server Network 29                                         
          7            may be loaded with services for the said cluster of EUS's.  In this case,                                      
          8            communication between an individual EUS 10 and the Server is                                                   
          9            accommodated through a concentrator 19 which stores and forwards EUS                                           
         10            requests and corresponding server replies, thereby allowing for more                                           
         11            efficient utilization of the DDS communication channel.                                                        
         13    '341 patent, col. 3, ll. 43-51.                                                                                        
         14            (4)  Claim 11 – obvious over Yurt in view of Kandell?                                                          
         15            The examiner cites column 2, line 54 to column 3, line 5 of the "Background of the                             
         16    Invention" portion of Kandell's specification as evidence that it would have been obvious to add                       
         17    Kandell’s disclosed concentrator to Yurt in order "to allow for sharing of high speed access                           
         18    among multiple users."  3d Action at 86-87, para. 19; Final Action at 243, para. 19.  The cited                        
         19    text reads:                                                                                                            
         20                    Concentrators enable an efficient utilization of data channels in                                      
         21            digital data networks.  Basically, a digital data network includes                                             
         22            modulator/demodulator ("modem") circuits for enabling digital                                                  
         23            information to be transferred over a normal telephone network in an                                            
         24            analog form.  When several subscribers in one area require only low-speed                                      
         25            data transfers, each subscriber is connected to a local concentrator at a                                      
         26            particular location by means of two low-speed modems; one at                                                   
         27            subscriber's location and the other at the concentrator location.  The                                         
         28            concentrator location will have one such low-speed modem for each                                              
         29            incoming telephone line.  A digital processing circuit converts the digital                                    
         30            signals between the low-speed modems of the concentrator and a time                                            
         31            multiplexed, high-speed, serial, digital pulse train that is applied to and                                    
                                                            - 52 -                                                                    

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