Ex Parte Petersen - Page 24

             Appeal No. 2006-0704                                                            Page 24                
             Application No. 10/060,697                                                                             

             important biochemical factors that are important in bone healing.  As a result, those of               
             ordinary skill in this art included both demineralized bone and calcium sulfate in a                   
             variety of bone repair compositions.                                                                   
                    In my opinion, this is the knowledge and understanding a person of ordinary skill               
             in the art would have as this person read the combination of references relied on by the               
             examiner.  More significantly, all of this is consistent with the teachings of O’Leary, Yim            
             and Wironen as set forth above.26                                                                      

             The issue:                                                                                             
                    The issue before this panel can be divided into two parts.  First, would it be prima            
             facie obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made              
             to combine calcium sulfate and demineralized bone in a composition comprising a core                   
             of ingredients that is common to both O’Leary and Yim?  Second, if the answer to the                   
             first part is yes, would it be prima facie obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art at         
             the time the invention was made to add cancellous bone to this composition?                            

             26  The majority failed to address the level of skill in this art.  Nevertheless, the majority opines that by
             discussing three of the documents cited in the background section of appellants’ specification, I have 
             modified the rejection of record.  See supra n. 5.  I disagree.  The discussion of these documents simply
             emphasizes what appellants recognize as background information.  The level of ordinary skill in the art,
             as exemplified by the evidence relied upon by the examiner, did not change simply because I discuss    
             three documents relied upon by appellants to set the stage for their disclosure.  The majority would have
             realized this had they considered the level of skill in this art.  Since they did not, I do not find their
             comment persuasive.                                                                                    

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