Ex Parte Rader - Page 6

        Appeal No. 2006-0823                               Παγε 6                     
        Application No. 10/284,474                                                    

        Barr, 444 F.2d 588, 593, 170 USPQ 330, 335 (CCPA 1971).  After                
        all, it is well established that appellant can be his own                     
        lexicographer so long as terms are clearly defined and not given              
        meanings repugnant or abhorrent to the ordinary meaning.                      
        Applying these principles to the present case, we observe                     
        that all of the claims before us require either a plastic lid                 
        including a hinge line (claims 1-4) or a hinge assembly including             
        “a hinge line formed in one of the lid and the container...”, as              
        recited in independent claim 5 and, consequently, also required               
        in dependent appealed claims 6 and 7.  In the brief (pages 10 and             
        11), appellant notes that the claim term “hinge line” is defined              
        at page 3, paragraph 0015 of their specification.  In the cited               
        specification paragraph, a hinge line (14) is “defined by aligned             
        openings of the container and lid(s) and a hinge pin ....”  See               
        drawing figure 1.                                                             
            However, the above reproduced specification definition for                
        the claim term “hinge line”, as asserted by appellant in the                  
        brief as being operative, is internally inconsistent with the use             
        of that term in the appealed claims.                                          
            As for appealed claims 1-4, this is so because those claims               
        do not require a container and a lid with aligned openings.                   
        Rather they are drawn to a plastic lid including a hinge line.                

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