Ex Parte FEENEY et al - Page 3

              Appeal No. 2006-0911                                                                 Παγε 3                                        
              Application No. 09/248,595                                                                                                         

                     Rather than reiterate the conflicting viewpoints advanced by the examiner and                                               
              the appellants regarding the above-noted rejections, we make reference to the final                                                
              rejection (mailed April 2, 2004) and answer (mailed January 25, 2005) for the                                                      
              examiner's complete reasoning in support of the rejections, and to the brief1 (filed                                               
              November 10, 2004) for the appellants' arguments thereagainst.                                                                     

                     In rejecting claim 3 under 35 U.S.C. § 112, first paragraph, the examiner                                                   
              expresses two concerns.  The first is that appellants have failed to disclose the                                                  
              particular tanning process which was used to produce the increased water resistance                                                
              properties for the full range of weight ratios which is critical or essential to the practice of                                   
              the invention (answer, page 4).  The second concern is that, according to the examiner,                                            
              the application as filed does not provide support for a game ball without a bladder.  In                                           
              the final rejection, the examiner concluded that the first problem resulted in non-                                                
              compliance with the written description requirement while the second resulted in non-                                              
                     1 The drawing objection issue raised by appellants on page 7 of the brief is not within the                                 
              jurisdiction of the Board, being reviewable by petition to under 37 CFR § 1.181. In re Mindick, 371 F.2d                           
              892, 894, 152 USPQ 566, 568 (CCPA 1967).                                                                                           

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