Ex Parte FEENEY et al - Page 8

              Appeal No. 2006-0911                                                                 Παγε 8                                        
              Application No. 09/248,595                                                                                                         

              Accordingly, one of ordinary skill in the art reading this disclosure would have no reason                                         
              to believe that the bladder is essential for achieving the desired moisture resistance                                             
              properties and would have every expectation that a game ball comprising a leather                                                  
              cover meeting the requirements of the invention and a lining, either with or without a                                             
              bladder in addition thereto, would meet the absorption ratio requirements set forth on                                             
              pages 10 and 11 of the specification.                                                                                              
                     In light of the foregoing, we cannot sustain the examiner's rejections of claim 3                                           
              under 35 U.S.C. § 112, first paragraph, either as lacking enablement or as lacking                                                 
              written description support.                                                                                                       

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