Ex Parte Ghosh et al - Page 3

                Appeal No.  2006-1021                                                   Page 3                
                Application No.  09/851,882                                                                   
                43-46, and 54 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over                 
                the combination of Product Insert, Press Release, Business Wire, Bertelli, and                
                      III.  Claims 13, 16, 18, 22, 28, 31-33, 36, 42, 47-53, and 55-68 stand                  
                rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over the combination of                  
                Product Insert, Press Release, Business Wire, Bertelli, FDC and Hoppe.                        
                      IV.  Claims 23-25 and 37 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being                  
                unpatentable over the combination of Product Insert, Press Release, Business                  
                Wire, Bertelli, FDC, Hoppe, and Raab.                                                         
                      We affirm Rejection I.  Having disposed of claims 23-25 and 37, we do not               
                reach the merits of Rejection IV.  We reverse Rejection II and Rejection III.                 

                Rejection I:                                                                                  
                      Claims 1-13, 17-29, and 32-68 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                   
                being unpatentable over the combination of Hoppe and Raab.  Appellants have                   
                provided arguments for the following three claim groupings:  I.  claims 1-13,                 
                15-29, 32-43, and 62-68; II.  claims 43, 44, and 46-61; and III. claim 45.                    
                Accordingly, we limit our discussion to representative claims 1, 45 and 46.                   
                Claims 2-13, 15-29, 32-43, and 62-68 will stand or fall together with claim 1.                

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