Ex Parte Guerra - Page 6

                    Appeal No. 2006-1161                                                                                                
                    Application No. 10/322,254                                                                                          

                    The Level of Skill in the Art                                                                                       
                           The level of skill in the art is not challenged and is reflected in the references                           
                    cited in the case and the Examiner’s statements regarding the general knowledge in the                              
                    art.  See Answer passim.                                                                                            
                    The Differences Between the Prior Art and The Claims At Issue                                                       
                           The following limitations in claim 1 are not expressly disclosed in Kimoto or                                
                        1) “separating unreacted X-Rf-COF from a mixture of addition products of                                        
                           hexafluoropropylene oxide (HFPO) and X-Rf-COF” (step c);                                                     
                        2) repeating step a) using unreacted X-Rf-COF separated in step c) (step d); and                                
                        3) maintaining X-Rf-COF reactant in molar excess of HFPO by at least 10% during                                 
                           the reaction (step b).                                                                                       
                           The following additional limitations in claims 2-5 and 11-19 are not                                         
                    expressly disclosed in Kimoto or Lewis:                                                                             
                           1) Each of claims 2-5 and 11-19 additionally require that the selectivity for the                            
                                monoaddition product be 90% or greater; and                                                             
                           2) Claims 4, 5, 13 and 14 each add the limitation that the molar yield of the                                
                                monoaddition product (based on HFPO) be 75% or greater.                                                 
                    The § 103(a) Determination In View Of These Graham Findings                                                         
                        In view of the differences between the pending claims and the prior art, the teachings                          
                    and/or suggestions in the two cited references and the general knowledge in the art, the                            
                    Examiner found that one of ordinary skill in the art would have been motivated to:                                  


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