Ex Parte Guerra - Page 12

                    Appeal No. 2006-1161                                                                                                
                    Application No. 10/322,254                                                                                          

                    monoaddition product, i.e., by increasing the ratio of the perfluoro starting material to                           
                    HFPO.  See col. 11, lines 50-66.                                                                                    
                            Turning to the additional limitations in claims 2-5 and 11-19, we agree with the                            
                    Appellant that “Kimoto fails to disclose a process” resulting in the selectivity and molar                          
                    ratios claimed in claims 2-5 and 11-19.  See Brief at 8.  However, the issue before us is                           
                    not anticipation but rather obviousness under § 103(a).  As previously determined,                                  
                    Kimoto would have motivated the skilled artisan to optimize the yield of the                                        
                    monoaddition product.  See the discussion supra at 9-12.  See also Answer at 3-4; Final                             
                    Office Action at 3-4.  The claimed selectivity and molar ratios are merely the result of                            
                    such optimization.  Again, optimization of a previously disclosed range, resulting in such                          
                    claimed selectivity and molar ratios does not warrant the grant of patent, absent some                              
                    evidence that the results are “unexpectedly good.”  We find no such results in the record.                          
                    Thus, we affirm the Examiner’s rejection of all the pending claim as prima facie obvious                            
                    over Kimoto in view of Lewis.                                                                                       


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