Ex Parte Meyer et al - Page 6

               Appeal 2006-1582                                                                                                    
               Application 10/126,350                                                                                              

               However, the cited references do not disclose the use of plasma in the described JVD                                
               processes.  The Examiner has not directed us to the portions of either reference that describes                     
               the formation of plasma induced coating.5   The Burns and Mummolo references have not been                          
               relied upon by the Examiner for teaching the formation of plasma induced coating.                                   
                                                     OTHER ISSUES                                                                  
                       In the event of further prosecution, the Examiner should ensure that the claimed                            
               invention meets the enablement requirement of 35 U.S.C. § 112, first paragraph.                                     
                       Upon review of Appellants’ disclosure, it is not clear how the homogeneous coating                          
               temperature is determined prior to producing the coating of uniform thickness.   The examples                       
               in the specification indicate that the determination as to whether a homogeneous coating                            
               temperature has been achieved is based on the observation of the uniform layer distribution                         
               observed at the end of the process.  It is noted that in both the example and the comparative                       
               example the temperature of 180ēC was established.  Both examples employ the same vacuum                             
               pressure and number of the coats that were applied.  The stated distinction in the product of the                   
               comparative example was the formation of an inhomogeneous layer distribution between the                            
               neck and flange of the dome.  This distinction was attributed to the use of an in homogeneous                       
               temperature distribution.  (Spec. 3).  Since the reaction temperature and the vacuum pressure in                    
               both examples are identical, the record is unclear why these conditions in one example provide                      
               a homogeneous coating temperature and in another example provides an inhomogeneous                                  
               coating temperature.  The Examiner should ensure that the specification adequately enables a                        
               5 The Examiner in the previously discussed rejections relied on the Martin reference for this                       


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