Ex Parte 5779400 et al - Page 50

            Appeal No. 2006-2084                                                                              
            Reexamination Control No. 90/006,360                                                              

            diameter, whereas claim 11 recites a diameter that is "within the range of                        
            approximately 5.5 mm through 6.5 mm."  Nikcole also does not disclose a "head                     
            having a maximum diameter within the range of approximately 3 mm through                          
            4.5 mm."                                                                                          
                   The difference between the subject matter of claim 17 and Nikcole is that                  
            Nikcole does not teach the limitation "wherein the two sides of the insert engaging               
            the tool-supporting surfaces are oriented at an angle of approximately 35° relative               
            to each other."                                                                                   
                   The difference between the subject matter of claim 18 and Nikcole is that                  
            Nikcole does not teach the limitation "wherein the two sides of the insert extending              
            beyond the end of the shank are oriented at an angle of approximately 35° relative                
            to each other."                                                                                   

                   Objective evidence of nonobviousness                                                       
                   Objective evidence of nonobviousness (also called "secondary                               
            considerations") must always be considered in making an obviousness decision,                     
            Stratoflex v. Aeroquip, 713 F.2d at 1538, 218 USPQ at 879, although it need not be                
            necessarily conclusive on the issue of obviousness, Ashland Oil, Inc. v. Delta                    

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