Ex Parte 5779400 et al - Page 55

            Appeal No. 2006-2084                                                                              
            Reexamination Control No. 90/006,360                                                              

            tool holder and vertical insert where the insert is supported on two sides by                     
            tool-supporting surfaces.                                                                         
                   For these reasons, the declaration of commercial success is not entitled to                
            any weight in the obviousness determination.                                                      
                   We have further considered the declaration of Mr. Fountaine dated June 3,                  
            1997,  which was submitted during the prosecution of the '400 patent.  The                        
            statements regarding commercial success (¶¶ 10-14) are not entitled to any weight                 
            for the reasons stated in connection with the December 31, 2004, declaration.                     
                   Patent owner also argues that copying by others is further evidence of                     
            nonobviousness (Br13-14).  "[M]ore than the mere fact of copying by an accused                    
            infringer is needed to make that action significant to a determination of the                     
            obviousness issue."  Cable Elec. Prods., Inc. v. Genmark, Inc., 770 F.2d 1015,                    
            1028, 226 USPQ 881, 889 (Fed. Cir. 1985) (discussing why copying is not                           
            necessarily evidence of nonobviousness).  In addition, patent owner has provided                  
            no showing of "nexus" between the copying arguably shown and the                                  
            nonobviousness of the claimed invention.  Id.  No weight is given to the argument                 
            about copying.                                                                                    

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