Ex Parte 5779400 et al - Page 62

            Appeal No. 2006-2084                                                                              
            Reexamination Control No. 90/006,360                                                              

            of the prior art shanks in Max Bar and ETCO from 9.5 mm to "less than                             
            approximately 9 mm" does not require reducing the inscribed circle diameter and                   
            would still provide a lip of 9 mm - 7.9 mm = 1.1 mm.  The fact that the prior art                 
            taught other solutions, such as a club foot or a shank having a width equal to the                
            inscribed circle diameter of the insert does not teach away from the claimed                      
                   Thus, claims 1, 2, 8, 9, and 16-18 are unpatentable over Max Bar or ETCO.                  
                   Second, a more comprehensive approach is to address the obviousness of the                 
            narrower claims requiring an 8 mm shank width, such as independent claims 10                      
            and 11, which will then satisfy the broader claims requiring a width of                           
            approximately 9 mm.  One of ordinary skill in the machine tool art seeking to                     
            design an 8 mm small-shank tool that overcomes the problem of the prior art 8 mm                  
            tool in Fig. 1, would have been motivated to scale down the 9.5 mm square tool                    
            shank and insert with a 0.312" (= 7.9 mm) inscribed circle (IC) diameter in either                
            Max Bar or ETCO to provide an 8 mm square shank and a 7 mm IC diameter insert                     
            as taught in the vertical tool in Nikcole or an 8 mm square shank and an 0.250" IC                

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