Ex Parte Solcz et al - Page 11

           1    Congress through § 103; the Primary Examiner has not erred in "sifting out                     
           2    [applicants'] unpatentable material."                                                          
           4          C.  Order                                                                                
           5          Upon consideration of the record, and for the reasons given, it is                       
           6                 ORDERED that the decision of the Primary Examiner rejecting                       
           7    claims 1-12 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 is affirmed.2                                                
           8                 FURTHER ORDERED that the provisions of 37 CFR                                     
           9    § 1.136(a) are not applicable to time periods for taking subsequent action.                    
          13       /ss/ Fred E. McKelvey                      )                                                
          14      FRED E. McKELVEY                       )                                                     
          15    Senior Administrative Patent Judge     )                                                       
          16                                                                   )      BOARD OF                 
          17     /ss/ Hubert C. Lorin                               )        PATENT                            
          17                     HUBERT C. LORIN                                                               
          18                                                   )       APPEALS                                 
          18                     Administrative Patent Judge                                                   
          19                                                        )            AND                           
          19                                                                                   ) INTERFERENCES 
          21      /ss/ Michael P. Tierney                      )                                               
          22      MICHAEL P. TIERNEY                      )                                                    
          23    Administrative Patent Judge                )                                                   

                2   Another appropriate rejection might have been based on double patenting over (1) the       
                claims of Noestheden and (2) the disclosure of Sickmeier.  In our view, however, a             
                double patenting rejection would stand or fall with the rejection made by the Primary          
                Examiner under 35 U.S.C. § 103.  For this reason, we find it unnecessary. and decline, to      
                enter a new ground of rejection based on double patenting.                                     


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