Appeal 2006-2729 Application 10/193,363 surfactants having the claimed properties, “which are generally required for formation of micelle aggregates,” with the compressed CO2 phase form an aggregate system having aggregates comprising the functional material and surfactants, wherein “formation of dispersed aggregates occurs by formation of micelle aggregates” (id.). With respect to the alternative grounds of rejection under §§ 102(b) and 103(a), the Examiner contends Hendrickson discloses dyes having a particle size in the range 0.5 to 10 nm in a perfluoropolyether dispersing medium which reads on the claimed surfactants (Answer 7). The Examiner further contends that any difference between the claimed nanofluids and the disclosure of the reference would have been obvious because one of ordinary skill would have employed dyes in the range of less than 100 nm including the range of 0.5 to 5 nm shown by Hendrickson in dyes of this particle size in other dispersing media (id. 7-8). Appellants contend the claimed nanofluids encompassed by claim 19 are patentable over Hendrickson (Br. 12-13). Appellants contend the claimed nanofluids are obtained by the process of claim 15 and thus “necessarily comprise precipitated nanoscale material particles which are . . . composite particles of average diameter from 0.5 to less than 10 nanometers individually comprised of both the functional material and the surfactant material” which “precipitated composite particles . . . have nanoscale dimension in accordance with the nanofluid definition” (id. 12; original emphasis deleted). Appellants contend that in contrast, Hendrickson “provides a method for the formation of a dispersion of nanosized pigment in a medium (an aqueous or organic liquid),” the “particles . . . are 7Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next
Last modified: September 9, 2013