Ex Parte Esser et al - Page 34

                Appeal 2006-3252                                                                                 
                Application 09/536,728                                                                           

           1           H.  Decision                                                                              
           2                 ORDERED that the decision of the Examiner rejecting                                 
           3    claims 73-75, 77-79 and 81 over Stähle is reversed.                                              
           4                 FURTHER ORDERED that the decision of the Board of Patent                            
           5    Appeals and Interferences in Ex parte Esser, Appeal 2005-0393 (Bd. Pat.                          
           6    App. & Int. Apr. 14, 2005), reversing the Examiner's rejection of claims 26                      
           7    and 73-81 as being unpatentable over Olson is vacated.                                           
           8                 FURTHER ORDERED that the decision of the Examiner                                   
           9    rejecting Esser claims 26 and 73-81 as are unpatentable under 35 U.S.C.                          
          10    § 103 over Olson is affirmed.                                                                    
          11                 FURTHER ORDERED that Esser claims 73-81 are                                         
          12    unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 103 over York.                                                    
          13                 FURTHER ORDERED that Esser claims 74-76 and 78-80 are                               
          14    unpatentable under the fourth paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112.                                      
          15                 FURTHER ORDERED that since our rationale for refusing                               
          16    Esser claims 26 and 73-81 is new, our determination that those claims are                        
          17    unpatentable is designated as a new rejection.  37 CFR § 41.50(b) (2006).                        
          18                 FURTHER ORDERED that our decision is not a final agency                             
          19    action.                                                                                          
          20                 FURTHER ORDERED that within two (2) months from the                                 
          21    date of our decision appellant may further prosecute Esser claims 26 and                         
          22    73-81 by exercising one of the two following options:                                            
          23                        1.  Request that prosecution be reopened by submitting                       
          24    an amendment or evidence or both.  37 CFR § 41.50(b)(1) (2006).                                  


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