Ex Parte Young - Page 4

                Appeal 2007-0009                                                                                 
                Application 10/345,461                                                                           

           1    Examiner turns to Bright for a suggestion of steel posts and rails, and turns                    
           2    to Gerstner for a suggestion of abutting rails.                                                  
           3           We reverse.                                                                               
           4                                        ISSUE                                                        
           5           Has Appellant shown that the Examiner erred in holding that the                           
           6    combined teachings and suggestions of Pettit, Bright, and Gerstner would                         
           7    have suggested to an artisan the subject matter of claim 1?                                      
           9                                FINDINGS OF FACT                                                     
          10           Based upon a preponderance of the evidence, we make the following                         
          11    findings of fact:                                                                                
          12           1. Appellant invented a fence having fence posts and fence rails made                     
          13              of steel. (Specification 1).                                                           
          14           2. The fence is designed so that all the rails may be pushed snugly                       
          15              against each other in the in-line post. (Specification 3).                             
          16           3.  To prevent someone from stealing the rails by removing spacer 16                      
          17              (Fig. 9), a post cap 18 is provided with a lock thereon.                               
          18              (Specification 6).                                                                     
          19           4.  Purely by way of example, the lock consists of a shaft 26 which                       
          20              extends from the side of post 22 horizontally below the upper end                      
          21              of the post. On the end of the shaft, a finger 28 having a hook 30 is                  
          22              mounted. (Id.).                                                                        
          23           5. Pettit discloses that even though the parts have beveled end                           
          24              portions for insertion into holes or other portions in an extremely                    


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