Ex Parte Harland et al - Page 11

                 Appeal No.  2007-0079                                                       Page 11                  
                 Application No.  10/159,749                                                                          
                 B.  Guidance and working examples:                                                                   
                        As discussed above, appellants’ specification provides thirty examples of                     
                 deletion mutations within the scope of the claimed invention.  In addition,                          
                 appellants’ specification provides assay methods to determine whether a deletion                     
                 mutation has the requisite activity.  See e.g., specification, pages 11, 12, 19 and                  

                 C. Nature of the invention, predictability, and the state of the prior art:                          
                        Enablement is determined as of the application filing date.  In re Brana,                     
                 51 F.3d 1560, 1567 n.19, 34 USPQ2d 1436, 1441 n.19 (Fed. Cir. 1995).  This                           
                 application is a continuation of Application No. 09/070,229 (now the Harland                         
                 patent), which is a continuation of Application No. 08/795,501, filed February 5,                    
                 1997 (now abandoned).  Accordingly, the effective filing date of appellants’                         
                 claimed invention is February 5, 1997.                                                               
                        The examiner relies on Skolnick, Vukecevic, Tischer and Kopchick to                           
                 support the rejection of record.  While Skolnick is a post-filing date reference, we                 
                 have elected to consider it among our deliberations.  According to the examiner                      
                 (Answer, bridging paragraph, pages 10-11), Skolnick teaches that “binding and                        
                 receptor function cannot be reliably predicted from protein sequence homology. .                     
                 . .”  In addition, the examiner finds that Vukicevic teaches that the OP-1 family of                 
                 TGF-beta “induces metanephrogenesis whereas closely related TGF-beta family                          
                 members-BMP-2 and TGF-beta1-have no effect on metanephrogenesis under                                
                 identical conditions. . . .”  Id.  Similarly, the examiner finds that Tischer teaches                

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