Appeal 2007-0209 Application 10/021,621 properties of the voice message, as recited in representative claim 1. (Br. 8, Reply Br. 9). Additionally, Appellants contend for the same reasons that Badt in various combinations with Takkinen, Abu-Hakima, Wright and Eggleston, does not render claims 41 through 85 unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 103 (a). (Br. 11, 12, Reply Br. 13). The Examiner, in contrast, contends that Losee teaches comparing the expected cost of not-reviewing a message with the cost of reviewing the message to determine whether it is cost-effective for the user to review the message. (Answer 4 and 34). Therefore, the Examiner concludes that Losee anticipates the invention as recited in representative claim 23. (Id.) For the same reasons, the Examiner concludes that it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill to combine Losee with Eggleston to yield the invention, as recited in dependent claims 27 through 33. (Answer 21). Further, the Examiner contends that Badt teaches analyzing a voice mail to identify the speaker and to prioritize the voice message accordingly. (Answer 8, 36). Therefore, the Examiner concludes that it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art to combine the teachings of Smith and Badt with Aderlind, Marx, Eggleston, Helfman, Abu Hakima, Wright and Cooper to yield the claimed invention, as recited in representative claim 1. (Id., 10, 12, 15, 18, 20). Similarly, the Examiner contends that it would have been obvious to combine the teachings of Badt with those of Takkinen, Abu- Hakima, Wright and Eggleston to yield the invention as recited in claims 41 through 85. (Answer 24, 27, 29). We affirm. 5Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next
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