Ex Parte 6497843 et al - Page 16

               Appeal 2007-0393                                                                       
               Reexamination Control 90/006,786                                                       
               Patent 6,497,843                                                                       
           1   an action against the same infringer under the 843 patent notwithstanding the          
           2   settlement and license agreement with Lee on the patentably indistinct                 
           3   invention.                                                                             
           4        Conclusion of Law                                                                 
           5        No error has been shown in the Examiner’s holding that the terminal               
           6   disclaimer was insufficient to meet the common ownership requirement of                
           7   37 CFR § 1.321(c) and that the terminal disclaimer is insufficient to resolve          
           8   the double patenting issue.                                                            
           9   Propriety of Reexamination                                                             
          10        Patentee asserts that reexamination of the 843 patent was                         
          11   inappropriate.  This issue is not within either our statutory or Director              
          12   delegated jurisdiction.                                                                
          13        The Director of the PTO is authorized by statute to determine whether             
          14   a substantial new question of patentability exists.  35 U.S.C. § 303.  Patentee        
          15   has not directed us to any basis authorizing us to review the examiner’s               
          16   determination on whether the initiation or continuance of reexamination was            
          17   appropriate.  Our statutory jurisdiction in appeals is limited to                      
          18   determinations of patentability.  35 U.S.C. § 6(b).  The decision that a               
          19   substantial new question of patentability exists is not a decision on                  
          20   patentability.  In appeals, this Board sits to review decisions on patentability.      
          21   We do not sit as an ombudsman to review the numerous other decisions                   
          22   made by examiners during the conduct of a reexamination proceeding.  This              
          23   issue of the propriety of instituting or continuing the reexamination should           
          24   have been addressed prior to filing the notice of appeal.                              
          25        Patentee refers to Patlex Corp. v. Mossinghoff, 771 F.2d 480, 226                 
          26   USPQ 985 (Fed. Cir. 1985), as support for the argument that reexamination              

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