Ex Parte Krehbiel et al - Page 3

                Appeal 2007-0426                                                                                 
                Application 10/145,307                                                                           

                       The issue is whether Appellants have shown that the Examiner erred                        
                in rejecting the claims under 35 U.S.C. § 103.  Appellants urge that the                         
                logical units replaced by Golasky are not physical entities and instead, reside                  
                on a physical device while these units are not themselves physical devices                       
                (Br. 12).  Based on such interpretation, Appellants argue that one of ordinary                   
                skill in the art would not combine these different entities disclosed by the                     
                references to arrive at the claimed invention (Br. 13).  Therefore, the issue                    
                turns on whether there is a legally sufficient justification for combining the                   
                disclosures of Dunphy and Golasky and, if so, whether the combination of                         
                the applied references teaches the claimed subject matter including                              
                “automatically assigning, within said logical volume definition, said first                      
                unused, unassigned storage device to be a replacement primary device for                         
                said first storage device.”                                                                      

                                            FINDINGS OF FACT                                                     
                       The following findings of fact (FF) are relevant to the issue involved                    
                in the appeal and are believed to be supported by a preponderance of the                         
                       1. Dunphy provides for a plurality of disk drives for storing data                        
                in parallel as redundancy groups and a pool of R backup disk drives to                           
                automatically substitute a replacement disk drive for a failed disk drive in a                   
                redundancy group (Abstract; col. 5, ll. 10-18).                                                  


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Last modified: September 9, 2013