Ex Parte Adams - Page 6

           Appeal No. 2007-0441                                                                      
           Reissue Application 10/155,945                                                            
           Patent 5,311,959                                                                          
       1                                 Reissue application                                         
       2         At some point, the patent owner took note of the patent and essentially             
       3   discovered that:  “Ops.  There is a loose end with claim 1.”                              
       4         To overcome, the loose end, the patent owner filed the reissue application on       
       5   appeal.                                                                                   
       6         Unfortunately for the patent owner, the reissue application was filed more          
       7   than two years after the patent issued.                                                   
       8         The reissue oath was signed by one John J. Prizzi, who is said to be                
       9   Assistant Secretary of Kennametal PC, Inc.                                                
      10         At this point, we note that Kennametal PC, Inc. is a different name from the        
      11   real party in interest identified in the Appeal Brief.  We will assume Kennametal         
      12   PC, Inc. and Kennametal, Inc. identified in the Appeal Brief are the same entity or       
      13   that any difference is irrelevant.                                                        
      14         The bottom line is that the reissue application was filed by the assignee and       
      15   the inventor did not sign the reissue oath.                                               
      16         After stating that the patent may be partly inoperative or invalid because of       
      17   an error said to have arisen without deceptive intention on the part of the               
      18   application, the reissue oath of 24 May 2002, states:                                     
      19               That the basis for the inoperativeness is by reason of the                    
      20               patentee failing to particularly point out and distinctly                     
      21               claim the subject matter which the applicant regards as                       
      22               his invention, 35 U.S.C. 112, 2nd paragraph.  Claim 1                         
      23               recites that “the trough and the two uppermost slanted                        
      24               surfaces being substantially parallel and substantially                       
      25               orthogonal along their entire length to the two flat                          
      26               parallel sides,” does not particularly point out and                          
      27               distinctly claim the subject matter regarded as the                           
      28               invention.  Accordingly, this claim may be invalid.                           


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