Ex Parte Adams - Page 13

           Appeal No. 2007-0441                                                                      
           Reissue Application 10/155,945                                                            
           Patent 5,311,959                                                                          
       1   Program Printout Appendix from the '257 patent resulted in the absence of                 
       2   approximately 330 pages of text from the specification.  It would seem that               
       3   such an error would be readily apparent.”  Southwest Software, Inc. v.                    
       4   Harlequin, Inc., 226 F.3d 1280, 1296, 56 USPQ2d 1161, 1173, (Fed. Cir.                    
       5   2000).  The error in the case before us is also “readily apparent.”                       
       6         The decision of the Examiner rejecting the claims under 35 U.S.C.                   
       7   § 251, fourth paragraph has not been shown to be erroneous.                               
       8         Likewise, the decision of the Examiner rejecting the claims under 35                
       9   U.S.C. § 251, third paragraph has not been shown to be erroneous.                         
      10         At first blush, the third paragraph rejection might appear to relate to a           
      11   procedural matter.  However, the rejection turns on whether reissue claim 1               
      12   enlarges the scope of patent claim 1—which is a merits issue.  Having                     
      13   concluded that impermissible enlargement occurred, we have no occasion to                 
      14   question the Examiner’s decision to treat the third paragraph issue as a                  
      15   merits issue.  We now affirm the Examiner’s third paragraph rejection.                    
      16         What is curious to us is why the third paragraph rejection reached us               
      17   at all.  We have not been able to divine from the record exactly why the                  
      18   inventor could not have signed the reissue oath.  The inventor’s address is               
      19   set out in the reissue oath as being located in Bristol, Virginia.  So far as we          
      20   can tell, the inventor is available.  When an inventor refuses to sign an                 
      21   application or cannot be found, the provisions of 35 U.S.C. § 118 would                   
      22   seem to be a possibility.                                                                 


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