Ex Parte Barker et al - Page 3

                 Appeal 2007-0475                                                                                      
                 Application 10/047,312                                                                                
                        Section 102 rejection over Agnihotri                                                           
                        We will consider representative claims to the extent that claims are                           
                 separately argued.  We remind Appellants that mere repetition of claim                                
                 language does not constitute an argument for separate patentability of the                            
                 claim.  See 37 C.F.R. § 41.37(c)(1)(vii).  Moreover, reproduction of claim                            
                 language coupled with an allegation of patentability does not demonstrate                             
                 error in a rejection.                                                                                 
                        Agnihotri describes an In-Context Launch Wrapper (ICLW) module                                 
                 that provides a generic interface for automating integration of device                                
                 management applications (applets) into existing Enterprise management                                 
                 consoles at a host system of a network.  (Abstract.)  Agnihotri Figure 2                              
                 depicts specific management consoles 300 through 330 and device                                       
                 management applets 100 through 130, each of which may be written for a                                
                 specific console.  ICLW module 210 obviates writing code that would                                   
                 otherwise be required for integrating a particular applet into a particular                           
                 management console.  Agnihotri col. 3, l. 21- col. 4, l. 31.                                          
                        The Examiner reads instant claim 1 on the disclosure of Agnihotri                              
                 (Answer 3-4).  Appellants “fundamentally disagree” with the Examiner’s                                
                 equating the applet components with the claimed plug-in code files, but                               
                 neglect to offer any basis for the belief.  (Appeal Br. 9.)  We find no error in                      
                 the Examiner’s reading, in view of the Specification and the disclosure of                            
                        Appellants also submit that Aghihotri fails to disclose that the plug-in                       
                 code files and display panel files are “derived from management data.”                                
                 (Appeal Br. 9-10.)  The Examiner finds that any application written to                                


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