Ex Parte Barker et al - Page 7

                 Appeal 2007-0475                                                                                      
                 Application 10/047,312                                                                                
                 (device management applications may be launched from a graphic user                                   
                 interface).  Moreover, contrary to Appellants’ implication that “display files”                       
                 are installed separately from “code files” (Appeal Br. 15), representative                            
                 claim 6 does not require the feature of selective copying of one or another                           
                 type of file.                                                                                         

                        Section 103 rejection over Agnihotri and CIM                                                   
                        We sustain the rejection of claims 2, 9, 16, and 22-24 under 35 U.S.C                          
                 § 103(a) as unpatentable over Agnihotri and CIM.  Appellants’ arguments in                            
                 response to the rejection rely on supposed error in findings we have                                  
                 considered in our review of the § 102 rejection.                                                      


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