Ex Parte Pedigo - Page 1

                      UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                       
                           BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                         
                                       AND INTERFERENCES                                              
                                    Ex parte JOHN A. PEDIGO JR.                                       
                                          Appeal 2007-1022                                            
                                       Application 10/778,414                                         
                                       Technology Center 1700                                         
                                      ORDER AND ERRATUM                                               

                    On March 23, 2007, the Board rendered a Decision on the Appeal in                 
              the above-mentioned application.  In review of the Decision, the Title page             
              (p. 1) and the top portion of  pages 2-5 (Appeal 2007-1018 and Application              
              10/376,782), respectively, are inconsistent with the body of the Decision               
              (Appeal 2007-1022, Application 10/778,414).                                             
                    The decision mailed March 23, 2007 is hereby replaced by the                      
              Decision mailed with this Order.  The correct Appeal number for this                    
              Decision is 2007-1022, and the correct Application number is 10/778,414.                

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Last modified: September 9, 2013