Ex Parte Blume et al - Page 1

                         The opinion in support of the decision being entered today was not written                          
                                  for publication and is not binding precedent of the Board.                                 
                         UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                                           
                                BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                           
                                              AND INTERFERENCES                                                              
                         Ex parte CHERYL D. BLUME, and ANTHONY R. DISANTO                                                    
                                                   Appeal 2007-1080                                                          
                                                Application 10/790,658                                                       
                                                Technology Center 1600                                                       
                                                        ON BRIEF                                                             
                  Before MILLS, GREEN, and LEBOVITZ, Administrative Patent Judges.                                           
                  LEBOVITZ, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                     

                                             VACATUR AND REMAND                                                              
                         Claims 26 and 34-62 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 112, first                                     
                  paragraph, as failing to comply with the enablement requirement (Br. 8).                                   
                  Claims 26 and 34-62 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as obvious                                     
                  over Borbe in view of Barton and Balsa (id.).                                                              

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Last modified: September 9, 2013