Ex Parte Ilmonen - Page 3

                Appeal 2007-1391                                                                             
                Application 10/875.047                                                                       
                                   RELEVANT FACTUAL FINDINGS                                                 
                1. Gatti describes a check valve useful for plastic extruding systems                        
                (cols. 1 and 2).                                                                             
                2. Gatti’s check valve has a sliding ring having apertures 31 through                        
                which resin flows (col. 5, ll. 19-21).                                                       
                3. Gatti’s apertures 31 are arranged at an angle of between 15 to 30                         
                degrees from the vertical so that “the flushing characteristics of side aperture             
                valves can be achieved while still maintaining all of the advantages of                      
                standard forward-facing apertures.”  (col. 5, ll. 20-24).                                    
                      To establish anticipation within the meaning of 35 U.S.C. § 102(b), a                  
                single prior art reference must teach either expressly or inherently each and                
                every limitation recited in the claims on appeal.  In re Schreiber, 128 F.3d                 
                1473, 1477, 44 USPQ2d 1429, 1431 (Fed. Cir. 1997).                                           
                      Here, the Examiner has relied on apertures 31 of the ring shape seal                   
                illustrated in Gatti as corresponding to the claimed grooves.  (Answer 4-6).                 
                The Appellant contends that apertures 31 are not grooves and are not located                 
                in the interior of the circumerential surface of the ring, extending from the                
                forward face to the rear surface.  (Br. 13-15).                                              
                      The dispositive question is, therefore, whether the Examiner has                       
                demonstrated that Gatti’s apertures correspond to the “groove interior of a                  
                circumferential surface of said [seal] ring and extending from a forward                     
                surface of said valve [sic., ring] toward said rear surface” recited in claim 1              
                within the meaning of 35 U.S.C. § 102(b).  On this record, we answer this                    
                question in the negative.                                                                    


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Last modified: September 9, 2013