Appeal 2007-1485 Application 10/943,944 Claims 13-14 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as unpatentable over Jarvis in combination with Inaba . 6 The Examiner contends that Jarvis teaches a wide film useful as an agricultural covering. The Examiner recognized that Jarvis did not disclose the film to be formed from a fluororesin material. The Examiner contends that Inaba describes film structures comprising fluororesin materials that have chemical resistant properties. The Examiner contends that it would have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art to utilize fluororesin materials as the wide film structure of Jarvis (Answer 5-6). Appellants contend that the combination of Jarvis and Inaba does not disclose or suggest the presently claimed invention (Br. 8-9). Accordingly, the issues presented on the record for this rejection are as follows: (1) does Jarvis disclose, teach, or suggest a wide film useful as an agricultural covering?; and (2) has the Examiner presented an explicit reason for manufacturing the wide film of Jarvis with fluororesin materials? We determine that the Examiner has established a prima facie case of obviousness in view of the reference evidence, which prima facie case has not been adequately rebutted by Appellants’ arguments. Therefore, we AFFIRM the rejection as presented in this appeal essentially for the reasons stated in the Answer, as well as those reasons set forth below. The Examiner found that Jarvis teaches a wide film useful as an agricultural covering having at least two film sheets bonded to one another. Jarvis discloses the film is useful as barrier material (Paragraph 0060). The 6 For this rejection, Appellants have not presented separate arguments for claim 14 (See Br. 8-9). We select claim 13 as representative of the claims on appeal and will limit our discussion to claim 13. 7Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next
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