Ex Parte Musch et al - Page 5

                Appeal 2007-1850                                                                             
                Application 10/939,879                                                                       

                dispersion of Duan outweighs the evidence of unexpected results.  In re                      
                May, 574 F.2d 1082, 1092, 197 USPQ 601, 609 (CCPA 1978); In re Nolan,                        
                553 F.2d 1261, 1267, 193 USPQ 641, 645 (CCPA 1977).  Indeed, as                              
                acknowledged by Appellants, “the prior art suggests the addition of an                       
                aqueous silicon dioxide dispersion to any emulsion latex polymer” (Br. 7,                    
                last para.).                                                                                 
                      In conclusion, based on the foregoing, it is our judgment that the                     
                evidence of obviousness presented by the Examiner outweighs any evidence                     
                of nonobviousness proffered by Appellants.  Accordingly, the Examiner’s                      
                decision rejecting the appealed claims is affirmed.                                          
                      No time period for taking any subsequent action in connection with                     
                this appeal may be extended under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a)(1)(iv).                               

                Bayer Material Science LLC                                                                   
                100 Bayer Road                                                                               
                Pittsburgh, PA  15205                                                                        


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