Ex Parte Adams et al - Page 13

               Appeal 2007-1945                                                                             
               Application 10/669,215                                                                       

               opinion, the evidence of obviousness, on balance, outweighs the evidence of                  
               nonobviousness proffered by the Appellants.  In re Nolan, 553 F.2d 1261,                     
               1267, 193 USPQ 641, 645 (CCPA 1977).                                                         
                      Second, as also correctly found by the Examiner at pages 6-7 of the                   
               Answer, the Appellants have not demonstrated that the claimed subject                        
               matter imparts unexpected results over the closest prior art, Sublett.  In re                
               Johnson, 747 F.2d 1456, 1461, 223 USPQ 1260, 1263-64 (Fed. Cir. 1984).                       
               We deem Sublet to be the closest prior art since it reduces the formation of                 
               undesirable yellow color as desired by the Appellants in their Specification                 
               via preparing the polyester of its blend with a specific titanium-containing                 
               catalyst system (encompassed by the appealed claims) in an amount                            
               corresponding to 10-100 ppm titanium.  Sublett exemplifies employing a                       
               specific catalytic system in an amount corresponding to 50 ppm titanium                      
               (cols. 5-6, Table 1).   The Appellants have not shown that the claimed                       
               thermoplastic containing, inter alia, a polycarbonate and a polyester                        
               prepared with 30 ppm or below titanium in the form of Sublett’s catalyst                     
               system is unexpectedly superior to Sublett’s composition containing, inter                   
               alia, a polycarbonate and a polyester prepared with 50 ppm titanium in the                   
               form of Sublett’s catalyst system.                                                           
                      Finally, we find that the showing in the Specification is not                         
               commensurate in scope with the degree of protection sought by the appealed                   
               claims.  In re Grasselli, 713 F.2d 731, 743, 218 USPQ 769, 778 (Fed. Cir.                    
               1983); In re Kollman, 595 F.2d 48, 55, 201 USPQ 193, 198 (CCPA 1979).                        
               While the showing is limited to a blend made of a specific polyester                         
               prepared in the presence of an unknown titanium based compound (an                           


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