Ex Parte Nakajima et al - Page 25

             Appeal 2007-2110                                                                                     
             Application 10/223,408                                                                               
             the Examiner’s rejection of claims 15-18 and 24-26 as unpatentable over Moreno,                      
             Ogilvie, and Stephens.                                                                               

             Rejection of claim 19 as unpatentable over Moreno, Ogilvie, Stephens, and Kakuta                     
                    Appellants contend that Kakuta fails to overcome the alleged deficiencies of                  
             Moreno, Ogilvie, and Stephens presented with respect to claim 16, from which                         
             claim 19 depends (Appeal Br. 34).  We find Appellants’ arguments with regard to                      
             independent claim 16 unpersuasive for those reasons presented supra.  As such, we                    
             sustain the Examiner’s rejection of claim 19 as unpatentable over Moreno, Ogilvie,                   
             Stephens, and Kakuta.                                                                                

                                          CONCLUSIONS OF LAW                                                      
                    We conclude that Appellants have not shown that the Examiner erred in                         
             rejecting claims 1-6 and 21-23 as unpatentable over Moreno, Maloney, and                             
             Ogilvie, claims 7-10 and 12-14 as unpatentable over Moreno and Ogilvie, claim 11                     
             as unpatentable over Moreno, Ogilvie, and Hall, claims 15-18 and 24-26 as                            
             unpatentable over Moreno, Ogilvie, and Stephens, and claim 19 as unpatentable                        
             over Moreno, Ogilvie, Stephens, and Kakuta.                                                          

                    The Examiner’s decision under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) to reject claims 1-30 is                     


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