Appeal 2007-4307 Application 10/173,095 Moreover, the phrase "before polymerizing and consolidating" is ambiguous since the claim also says "polymerizing or consolidating" both before and afterward (emphasis added). This difference raises the question of whether the interposing step must occur (1) before some polymerization or consolidation of the resin occurs, (2) before all polymerization and consolidation occurs, or (3) something in between. Ultimately, the applicant has the burden of drafting the claim to define the scope intended, while we must give the claim as drafted its broadest reasonable construction.13 The broadest reasonable construction of "before polymerizing and consolidating" is that additional polymerization or consolidations of the resin may occur before or after the interposing step as long as at least one polymerization or consolidation of the resin occurs after the interposing step. Note that this construction is consistent with the pre-polymerization of the resin contemplated in the specification. From the specification, we understand "component adapted for macromolecular interpenetration with said resin" to encompass an adhesive with elastic properties or a resin selected to interact with the resin of the structural layer.14 Although the "component" may itself be a resin, we understand "said resin" in the claim to refer to the resin of the structural reinforcement layer. The phrase "macromolecular interpenetration" is not defined in the specification. Airbus gives an example, however, in which interpenetration is said to be accomplished by polymerization with a fiber-reinforced resin 13 Morris, 127 F.3d at 1056-57, 44 USPQ2d at 1029-30. 14 Spec. 6:24-32. 5Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Next
Last modified: September 9, 2013