Georgia Code § 26-2-116 - Applicability of Part to Federally Inspected Slaughtering and Packing Establishments

The ante mortem, post-mortem, and sanitary inspection services provided for in this part are not required at any slaughtering, meat-canning, salting, packing, rendering, or similar establishment at which such services are furnished by the United States Department of Agriculture pursuant to the Federal Meat Inspection Act.

Section: Previous  26-2-104  26-2-105  26-2-106  26-2-107  26-2-108  26-2-109  26-2-110  26-2-110.1  26-2-111  26-2-112  26-2-113  26-2-114  26-2-115  26-2-116  

Last modified: October 14, 2016