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Federal and State Laws
Hawaii Revised Statutes
Title 20. Social Services
Hawaii Revised Statutes Title 20. Social Services
Hawaii Revised Statutes Title 20. Social Services
346. Department of Human Services
346c. Long-Term Care Financing Program
346d. Long-Term Care
346e. Nursing Facility Tax
347. Blind and Visually Handicapped Persons
347d. Hawaii State Coordinating Council on Deafness--Repealed
348. Vocational Rehabilitation
348e. Commission on Persons With Disabilities--Repealed
348f. Disability and Communication Access Board
349. Executive Office on Aging
349c. Elder Abuse or Neglect--Repealed
350. Child Abuse
350b. Hawaii Children's Trust Fund
350c. Adoption Assistance Compact and Procedures for Interstate Services Payments
350e. Interstate Compact on Placement of Children
351. Crime Victim Compensation
352. Hawaii Youth Correctional Facilities
352d. Office of Youth Services
353. Corrections
353b. Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Adult Offenders
353c. Public Safety
353d. Offender Family Service Center Act
353e. Statewide Integrated Sex Offender Treatment Program
353f. Corrections Population Management Commission
353g. Criminal Offender Treatment Act
353h. Comprehensive Offender Reentry System
354. Correctional Industries--Repealed
354d. Hawaii Correctional Industries
355. Western Interstate Corrections Compact
355d. Interstate Corrections Compact
356. Hawaii Housing Authority; Low Income Housing--Repealed
356d. Hawaii Public Housing Authority
357. Federal Housing Projects--Repealed
358. Government Aid for Housing Projects--Repealed
358d. Homeless Assistance Act--Repealed
359. State Housing Projects--Repealed
359a. Teachers Housing--Repealed
359g. Hawaii Housing Authority--Housing Projects--Repealed
359l. Factory Built Housing--Repealed
360. Provisions Applicable to Public Housing Generally--Repealed
360e. Advisory Council on Housing--Repealed
361. Community Home Mortgage Program--Repealed
362. Progressive Neighborhoods Program--Repealed
363. Veterans Rights and Benefits
364. Veterans Loans--Repealed
367. Status of Women
367d. Parity for Female Offenders
368. Civil Rights Commission
Last modified: October 27, 2016