Illinois Compiled Statutes 225 ILCS 735 Timber Buyers Licensing Act. Section 2

    (225 ILCS 735/2) (from Ch. 111, par. 702)

    Sec. 2. When used in this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the term:

    "Person" means any person, partnership, firm, association, business trust or corporation.

    "Timber" means trees, standing or felled, and parts thereof which can be used for sawing or processing into lumber for building or structural purposes or for the manufacture of any article. "Timber" does not include firewood, Christmas trees, fruit or ornamental trees or wood products not used or to be used for building, structural, manufacturing or processing purposes.

    "Timber buyer" means any person licensed or unlicensed, who is engaged in the business of buying timber from the timber growers thereof for sawing into lumber, for processing or for resale, but does not include any person who occasionally purchases timber for sawing or processing for his own use and not for resale.

    "Buying timber" means to buy, barter, cut on shares, or offer to buy, barter, cut on shares, or take possession of timber, with or without the consent of the timber grower.

    "Timber grower" means the owner, tenant or operator of land in this State who has an interest in, or is entitled to receive any part of the proceeds from the sale of timber grown in this State and includes persons exercising authority to sell timber.

    "Department" means the Department of Natural Resources.

    "Director" means the Director of Natural Resources.

    "Employee" means any person in service or under contract for hire, expressed or implied, oral or written, who is engaged in any phase of the enterprise or business at any time during the license year.

(Source: P.A. 89-445, eff. 2-7-96.)

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Last modified: February 18, 2015