Illinois Compiled Statutes 225 ILCS 735 Timber Buyers Licensing Act. Section 3

    (225 ILCS 735/3) (from Ch. 111, par. 703)

    Sec. 3.

    Every person before engaging in the business of timber buyer shall obtain a license for such purpose from the Department. Application for such license shall be filed with the Department and shall set forth the name of the applicant, its principal officers if the applicant is a corporation or the partners if the applicant is a partnership, the location of any principal office or place of business of the applicant, the counties in this State in which the applicant proposes to engage in the business of timber buyer and such additional information as the Department by regulation may require.

    The application shall set forth the aggregate dollar amount paid to timber growers for timber purchased in this State during the applicant's last completed fiscal or calendar year. In the event the applicant has been engaged as a timber buyer for less than one year, his application shall set forth the dollar amount paid to timber growers for the number of completed months during which the applicant has been so engaged. If the applicant has not been previously engaged in buying timber in this State, the application shall set forth the estimated aggregate dollar amount to be paid by the applicant to timber growers for timber to be purchased from them during the next succeeding 12 month period.

(Source: P.A. 77-2796.)

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Last modified: February 18, 2015