General Laws of Massachusetts - Chapter 111I Women’s, Infants and Children Program
- Massachusetts General Laws - WIC program; administration and funding - Chapter 111I, Section 1
The department of public health, in this chapter called the department, shall administer a program to be called the WIC program, funded by the commonwealth...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Intent of program; all those eligible defined; allocation of funds - Chapter 111I, Section 2
The WIC program shall serve all those eligible under the Federal WIC program eligibility standards. It is the intent of this program that by July...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Director; duties; public hearing; notice - Chapter 111I, Section 3
The director of the WIC program, in this chapter called the director, shall ensure that a state plan is developed annually as required by federal...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Advisory board; membership; compensation - Chapter 111I, Section 4
An advisory board shall be established by the director, the purpose of which shall be to advise the director on all policies relating to the...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Determination of financial eligibility; food packages; delivery; statement of rights and obligations - Chapter 111I, Section 5
In determining the financial eligibility of an applicant for WIC benefits, only such income as is available for the support and maintenance of the applicant...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Availability of funds for local agency outreach activities - Chapter 111I, Section 6
The director shall ensure that adequate funds are available to each local WIC agency to perform outreach activities designed to identify and encourage the participation...
- Massachusetts General Laws - Annual appropriation of funds - Chapter 111I, Section 7
Adequate funds to implement this chapter shall be appropriated on an annual basis.
Last modified: September 11, 2015