Michigan Compiled Laws 328-1931-xxxii Chapter XXXII Escapes, Rescues, Jail And Prison Breaking (750.183...750.199a)
- Section 750.183 Facilitating Escape Of Or Assisting Prisoners; Penalty.
Any person who conveys into any jail, prison, or other like place of confinement, any disguise or any instrument, tool, weapon, or other thing,...
- Section 750.184 Aiding Escape From Officer; Penalty.
Any person who shall aid or assist any prisoner in escaping or attempting to escape from any officer or person who shall have the...
- Section 750.185 Girls' Training School At Adrian; Aiding Escape Of Inmates; Marriage Without Consent Of Superintendent; Penalty.
Any person, not an inmate, who shall knowingly aid or assist any girl who is an inmate of the girls' training school at Adrian,...
- Section 750.186 Boys' Vocational School; Assisting Or Enticing To Escape; Aiding Ward To Leave State; Penalty.
Any person, not an inmate, who shall knowingly aid or assist any boy who is an inmate of boys' vocational school, to escape therefrom,...
- Section 750.186a Escape From Juvenile Facility; Violation As Felony; Penalty; “escape” And “juvenile Facility” Defined.
(1) An individual who is placed in a juvenile facility and who escapes or attempts to escape from that juvenile facility or from the...
- Section 750.187 Repealed. 1974, Act 258, Eff. Aug. 6, 1975.
Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to aiding inmate to escape from state institution.
- Section 750.188 Voluntarily Suffering Prisoner To Escape.
Voluntarily suffering prisoner to escape—Any jailor, or other officer who shall voluntarily suffer any prisoner in his custody, upon conviction, or upon any criminal...
- Section 750.189 Negligently Suffering Escape; Refusing To Receive Prisoner.
Negligently suffering escape and refusing to receive a prisoner—Any jailor or other officer who shall through negligence, suffer any prisoner in his custody upon...
- Section 750.190 Receiving Reward For Assisting An Escape.
Receiving reward for assisting an escape—Any sheriff or other officer, who shall demand or receive any reward, gratuity or valuable thing, to procure, assist,...
- Section 750.191 Refusing, Omitting, And Delaying To Serve Process.
Any officer authorized to serve process, who willfully and corruptly refuses to execute any lawful process to him or her directed, and requiring him...
- Section 750.192 Prisoners Of Wisconsin Being Transported.
It shall be lawful for any sheriff, coroner, constable, or other officer of the state of Wisconsin or other person lawfully authorized under the...
- Section 750.193 Breaking Prison, Escaping, Attempting To Break Prison, Or Attempting To Escape As Felony; Penalty; Place Of Trial; “prison” Defined; Escaping From Lawful Custody Outside Confines Of Prison; Escape From Mental Health Facility; Violation By Person Released Under Work Pass Program; Person Violating Parole Not Escapee.
(1) A person imprisoned in a prison of this state who breaks prison and escapes, breaks prison though an escape is not actually made,...
- Section 750.194 Repealed. 1985, Act 52, Imd. Eff. June 14, 1985.
Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to escaping from Detroit house of correction.
- Section 750.195 Breaking, Escaping, Or Leaving Jail As Felony; Penalty; Section Inapplicable To Person Leaving Jail Pursuant To Day Parole; “jail” Defined.
(1) A person lawfully imprisoned in a jail for a term imposed for a misdemeanor who breaks jail and escapes, breaks jail though an...
- Section 750.196 Breaking Prison; County Work Farm, Factory Or Shop.
Breaking, escaping or attempting to break or escape from county work farms, etc.—Any person lawfully committed to any work farm, factory or shop established...
- Section 750.197 Breaking, Escaping, Or Leaving Jail Or Place Of Confinement; Breaking Or Escaping While In Or Being Transferred To Or From Courtroom Or Court House; Felony; Penalty; Section Inapplicable To Person Leaving Jail Pursuant To Day Parole; “jail” Defined.
(1) A person lawfully imprisoned in a jail or place of confinement established by law, awaiting examination, trial, arraignment, or sentence for a misdemeanor,...
- Section 750.197a Breaking Or Escaping From Lawful Custody Under Criminal Process.
A person who breaks or escapes from lawful custody under any criminal process, including periods while at large on bail, is guilty of a...
- Section 750.197b Repealed. 1974, Act 258, Eff. Aug. 6, 1975.
Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to criminal sexual psychopathic person leaving state without permission.
- Section 750.197c Breaking Or Escaping Jail, Health Care Facility, Or Other Place Of Confinement; Violation As Felony; Penalty; Definitions.
(1) A person lawfully imprisoned in a jail, other place of confinement established by law for any term, or lawfully imprisoned for any purpose...
- Section 750.198 Repealed. 1974, Act 258, Eff. Aug. 6, 1975.
Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to conveying weapons or other implements into state mental institution.
- Section 750.199 Concealing Or Harboring Person Who Has Escaped; Violation; Penalties; "Peace Officer" Defined.
(1) A person who knowingly or willfully conceals or harbors for the purpose of concealment from a peace officer a person who has escaped...
- Section 750.199a Absconding Or Forfeiting Bond In Criminal Or Paternity Proceedings; Felony.
Any person who shall abscond on or forfeit a bond given in any criminal proceedings wherein a felony is charged shall be deemed guilty...
Last modified: October 10, 2016