806. Shoreline restrictions. 1. In order to provide adequate protection of the quality of the lakes, ponds, rivers and streams of the park and the qualities of their shorelines, no person shall undertake any new land use or development or subdivision of land that involves any shoreline within the park, except in compliance, at a minimum, with the following restrictions. In addition, compliance with these restrictions shall be required by the agency in its review of any project under section eight hundred nine and, at a minimum, by any local government in the adoption and enforcement of a local land use program. All distances contained in these restrictions shall be measured horizontally. For the purpose of this section, any lot, parcel or site that adjoins a shoreline, includes a shoreline or, in whole or in part, is located at or within the minimum set back requirement as provided in subparagraph two of paragraph a of this subdivision, and any land use or development on such a lot, parcel or site, shall be deemed to involve that shoreline.
a. In the case of the shorelines of all lakes and ponds and the shorelines of any river designated to be studied as a wild, scenic or recreational river in accordance with the environmental conservation law or any river or stream navigable by boat, including canoe, the following restrictions shall apply:
(1) The minimum lot width measured along the shoreline for each one family residential structure shall be fifty feet in hamlet areas, one hundred feet in moderate intensity use areas, one hundred twenty-five feet in low intensity use areas, one hundred fifty feet in rural use areas, and two hundred feet in resource management areas; provided that the minimum lot width for a lot not adjoining or including shoreline which is deemed to involve shoreline for the purposes of this section may be measured lateral to the shoreline at any point on the lot. Nothing herein shall be deemed to preclude the application of appropriate shoreline restrictions to new uses other than one family residential structures subject to project review by the agency or to an approved local land use program.
(2) The minimum setback of all principal buildings and accessory structures in excess of one hundred square feet, other than docks or boathouses, from the mean high-water mark shall be fifty feet in hamlet areas and moderate intensity use areas, seventy-five feet in low intensity and rural use areas, and one hundred feet in resource management areas.
(3) The removal of vegetation, including trees, shall be permitted on shorefront lots provided the following standards are met:
(a) Within thirty-five feet of the mean high-water mark not more than thirty percent of the trees in excess of six inches diameter at breast height existing at any time may be cut over any ten-year period.
(b) Within six feet of the mean high-water mark no vegetation may be removed, except that up to a maximum of thirty percent of the shorefront may be cleared of vegetation on any individual lot. This provision shall be adhered to in addition to (a) above.
(c) The above cutting standards shall not be deemed to prevent the removal of diseased vegetation or of rotten or damaged trees or of other vegetation that present safety or health hazards.
(4) The following minimum shoreline frontages shall be required in all land use areas for deeded or contractual access to all such lakes, ponds, rivers or streams for five or more lots, parcels or sites or multiple family dwelling units not having separate and distinct ownership of shore frontage:
(a) Where five to twenty lots or multiple family dwelling units are involved, a total of not less than one hundred feet.
(b) Where more than twenty and not more than one hundred lots or multiple dwelling units are involved, a minimum of three feet for each additional lot or multiple dwelling unit in excess of twenty.
(c) Where more than one hundred and not more than one hundred fifty lots or multiple dwelling units are involved, a minimum of two feet for each additional lot or multiple dwelling unit in excess of one hundred.
(d) Where more than one hundred fifty lots or multiple dwelling units are involved, a minimum of one foot for each additional lot or multiple dwelling unit in excess of one hundred fifty.
b. In the case of all lakes, ponds, rivers and streams, the minimum setback of any on-site sewage drainage field or seepage pit shall be one hundred feet from the mean high-water mark in all land use areas.
2. In all of the above restrictions, the term "mean high-water mark" shall mean the spillway elevation contour, which is at seven hundred seventy-one feet elevation above mean sea level, whenever the Great Sacandaga Lake is involved.
3. a. Any person seeking a variance from the strict letter of the shoreline restrictions in connection with any new land use or development or subdivision of land proposed to be located in a land use area governed by an approved local land use program shall make application therefor to the local government as provided in such approved local land use program. If a person is seeking such a variance in a land use area not governed by an approved local land use program, he shall make application therefor to the agency whether or not the agency has project review jurisdiction over the new land use or development or subdivision of land involved. Upon such application, and after public hearing thereon, the local government or the agency shall, where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the restrictions, have authority to vary or modify the application of such restrictions relating to the use, construction or alteration of buildings or structures, or the use of land, so that the spirit of such restrictions shall be observed, public safety and welfare secured and substantial justice done.
b. The local government shall act upon any application to it within the time provided for in its local land use program. The agency shall act upon any application to it which is associated with a project subject to its review jurisdiction within the period provided in section eight hundred nine. In the case of any other application, the agency shall schedule a public hearing within fifteen days of receipt of an application in such form and manner as it shall prescribe. The public hearing shall be commenced within thirty days of the date it is scheduled. The agency shall act upon a variance application within forty-five days of the receipt by the agency of a complete record, as that term is defined in paragraphs (a) through (e) of subdivision one of section three hundred two of the state administrative procedure act.
4. The shoreline restrictions shall not apply to any emergency land use or development which is immediately necessary for the protection of life or property as defined by the agency in its rules and regulations governing its procedures to review projects as authorized in section eight hundred nine.
5. In order to encourage clustering of buildings and the maintenance of undeveloped shorelines, as an alternative to minimum lot widths of the shoreline restriction, shoreline development may take place in the following land use areas upon the following approximate overall intensities of principal buildings (other than boathouses) per linear mile of shoreline or proportionate fraction thereof:
Principal Buildings
Land Use Areas Per Linear Mile
Hamlet ............................................... 106
Moderate Intensity .................................... 53
Low Intensity ......................................... 42
Rural Use ............................................. 36
Resource Management ................................... 26
This alternative method of cluster shoreline development shall only be employed where a single ownership or a group of two or more owners acting in concert is involved. In addition, approval of this method of development must carry with it provisions, whether by deed restriction, restrictive covenant or other similar appropriate means, to insure the retention in open space of the undeveloped portions of shoreline developed on a cluster basis. The agency, within its project review jurisdiction, or a local government under an approved local land use program, may apply these optional shoreline clustering provisions. Any person proposing to undertake new land use or development or subdivision of land in a land use area not governed by an approved local land use program and that is not subject to the agency's project review jurisdiction, may apply to the agency for a permit to employ such alternative method and the agency shall have authority to grant such a permit if the above required terms and conditions are met. The agency shall act upon such application within thirty days after receipt thereof.
Last modified: February 3, 2019