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New York Social Services Law Article 6 - CHILDREN
Title 1 - (371 - 392) Care and Protection of Children
Title 2 - (395 - 404) Powers and Duties of Public Welfare Officials
Title 3 - (406 - 408) Child Welfare Services
Title 4 - (409 - 409-a) Preventive Services for Children and Their Families
Title 4-a - (409-d - 409-g) Child Welfare Services Planning and Administration
Title 4-b - (409-i - 409-n) Services; Pregnant Adolescents
Title 5 - (410 - 410-Ccc) Day Care for Certain Children
Title 5-a - (410-d - 410-o) Youth Facilities Improvement Act
Title 5-b - (410-p - 410-t) Child Care Resource and Referral Program
Title 5-c - (410-u - 410-z) Block Grant for Child Care
Title 6 - (411 - 428) Child Protective Services
Title 6-a - (429) Home Visiting
Title 7 - (430 - 434) Day Services for Children and Families
Title 8 - (440 - 446) State Child Care Review Service
Title 8-a - (447-a - 447-b) Safe Harbour for Exploited Children Act
Title 9 - (450 - 458) Subsidies for the Adoption of Children
Title 10 - (458-a - 458-f) Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program
Title 11 - (458-l) Education Reform Program
Last modified: February 3, 2019