2-703 - Seller's Remedies in General.
Section 2--703. Seller's Remedies in General. Where the buyer wrongfully rejects or revokes acceptance of goods or fails to make a payment due on or...
2-706 - Seller's Resale Including Contract for Resale.
Section 2--706. Seller's Resale Including Contract for Resale. (1) Under the conditions stated in Section 2--703 on seller's remedies, the seller may resell the goods...
2-707 - "Person in the Position of a Seller".
Section 2--707. "Person in the Position of a Seller". (1) A "person in the position of a seller" includes as against a principal an agent...
2-709 - Action for the Price.
Section 2--709. Action for the Price. (1) When the buyer fails to pay the price as it becomes due the seller may recover, together with...
2-710 - Seller's Incidental Damages.
Section 2--710. Seller's Incidental Damages. Incidental damages to an aggrieved seller include any commercially reasonable charges, expenses or commissions incurred in stopping delivery, in the...
2-713 - Buyer's Damages for Non-Delivery or Repudiation.
Section 2--713. Buyer's Damages for Non-Delivery or Repudiation. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Article with respect to proof of market price (Section 2--723),...
2-715 - Buyer's Incidental and Consequential Damages.
Section 2--715. Buyer's Incidental and Consequential Damages. (1) Incidental damages resulting from the seller's breach include expenses reasonably incurred in inspection, receipt, transportation and care...
2-717 - Deduction of Damages From the Price.
Section 2--717. Deduction of Damages From the Price. The buyer on notifying the seller of his intention to do so may deduct all or any...
2-721 - Remedies for Fraud.
Section 2--721. Remedies for Fraud. Remedies for material misrepresentation or fraud include all remedies available under this Article for non-fraudulent breach. Neither rescission or a...
2-723 - Proof of Market Price: Time and Place.
Section 2--723. Proof of Market Price: Time and Place. (1) If an action based on anticipatory repudiation comes to trial before the time for performance...
2-724 - Admissibility of Market Quotations.
Section 2--724. Admissibility of Market Quotations. Whenever the prevailing price or value of any goods regularly bought and sold in any established commodity market is...