Ohio Revised Code § 301.05 - Division Of Funds With New County.

When a new county is created and organized, the money remaining in the county treasuries of the counties from which the new county is taken, after deducting all just debts and demands due or owing at the time of setting off the new county, except debts contracted for public buildings in the old county, shall be divided according to the land and other taxable property within the new county, and within the counties from which the new county was taken, from which the tax was paid. The county treasurers of the old counties shall pay over such money to the treasurer of the new county. Moneys donated to such county by individuals for erection of public buildings or other purposes, or received as clear profit on the sale of county town lots, the property of such old counties, shall not be subject to division.

Effective Date: 10-01-1953

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Last modified: October 10, 2016