Oregon Statutes - Chapter 10 - Juries - Section 10.245 - Determining eligibility of jurors; eligibility form; effect of false statements or failure to respond.

(1) Before or at the time a person summoned to serve as a juror reports for jury service in a county, a judge of the circuit court for the county or clerk of court shall question the person as to the eligibility of the person to act as a juror under ORS 10.030. If a judge or clerk of court determines that a person so questioned is not eligible to act as a juror, the person shall be discharged.

(2) The presiding judge for the judicial district may cause to be mailed or delivered with a juror’s summons a juror eligibility form and instructions for completion of the form and return of the completed form by mail or personal delivery to the clerk of court by a specified date. The form shall set forth the eligibility requirements prescribed in ORS 10.030.

(3) A person who knowingly makes a false statement of material fact in response to a question on a juror eligibility form may be punished for contempt.

(4) A completed juror eligibility form shall contain the summoned person’s signed declaration that the responses to questions on the form are true to the best of the person’s knowledge and an acknowledgment that a knowingly made false statement of material fact may be punished by a fine or imprisonment or both. Notarization of a completed form shall not be required.

(5) If a person summoned is unable to complete a juror eligibility form, another person may do it for the person summoned. Another person completing a form shall indicate on the form that the person did so and the reason therefor.

(6) If a person summoned fails to return a properly completed juror eligibility form as instructed, a judge of the circuit court may direct the person to appear forthwith and properly complete a form. If the person fails to appear as directed, a judge of the circuit court shall order the person to appear and show cause for that failure. If the person fails to appear pursuant to the order or appears and fails to show good cause, the person may be punished for contempt.

(7) Before or at the time a person summoned reports for jury service, a judge of the circuit court or clerk of court may question the person as to responses to questions on a completed jury eligibility form returned by the person and grounds for any ineligibility of the person to act as a juror. Any pertinent information so acquired shall be noted on the form.

(8) Review by a judge of the circuit court or clerk of court of a completed juror eligibility form returned by a person summoned satisfies the requirement prescribed in subsection (1) of this section that a person summoned be questioned. If a judge or clerk of court determines that a person is not eligible to act as a juror based on a completed form, the person shall be discharged. [1985 c.703 §16; 1995 c.781 §27]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008