Oregon Statutes - Chapter 255 - Special District Elections - Section 255.069 - Delivery and preparation of form for updating information on members of district boards; rules.

(1) Not later than the 115th day before a regular district election, or not later than the 135th day before a district election held on the date of a primary election or general election, the elections officer shall deliver to each district elections authority, by certified mail, a form for updating information on members of district boards. The form shall include, at a minimum, the district offices to be filled or for which candidates are to be nominated or elected at the next district election and information concerning the candidates.

(2) Not later than the 105th day before a regular district election or not later than the 125th day before a district election held on the date of a primary election or general election, the district elections authority shall return to the elections officer the form for updating information on members of district boards.

(3) The elections officer shall prepare the notice required by ORS 255.075 by using the form completed by the district elections authority and any other information available. If the form is not returned by the district elections authority by the deadline specified in subsection (2) of this section, the elections officer shall prepare the notice for the district using the most current information available. If the form is returned by the district elections authority after the deadline, the elections officer shall prepare a corrected notice. The district shall be liable for any additional costs incurred in preparing and publishing a corrected notice.

(4) The elections officer shall retain the completed forms in a file maintained for that purpose. All forms shall be kept for a period of at least four years after the district election for which the form was completed.

(5) If a district is located in more than one county, the elections officer shall immediately certify the information contained on the form required under subsection (2) of this section to the county clerk of any other county in which the district is located.

(6) The Secretary of State by rule shall establish the forms and procedures the elections officer and the district elections authority shall use in maintaining adequate records for preparation of the form required under subsection (1) of this section. [1991 c.719 §58; 1995 c.712 §69]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008