Oregon Statutes - Chapter 276 - Public Facilities - Section 276.285 - Maintenance, preservation and development of state-owned property; dedicated accounts; rental program.

(1) It is the policy of the State of Oregon, in keeping with the benchmark relating to public infrastructure and development adopted by the Oregon Progress Board, to facilitate and encourage state agencies that own real property and operate facilities to manage and develop these properties in an effective and businesslike manner. The maintenance, preservation and development of state-owned real property and facilities, including, but not limited to, educational institutions, hospitals, parks, roads, libraries and fish hatcheries is essential to enable the State of Oregon to meet the needs of its citizens now and in the future. The purpose of chapter 452, Oregon Laws 1995, is to maintain and protect the investment of the State of Oregon in its public infrastructure.

(2) Any state agency that owns and operates real property or facilities is authorized to establish a separate dedicated account in the State Treasury for the purpose of paying the expenses of constructing, operating, maintaining, repairing, replacing, equipping, improving, acquiring and disposing of such real property and facilities. All moneys in an account established pursuant to this subsection are appropriated continuously to the agency for the purposes described in this subsection. All interest earned on moneys in the account shall be retained in and credited to the account.

(3) Any state agency that owns or operates real property or facilities may establish a rental program for the purpose of recovering and paying for the costs, including debt service, of constructing, operating, maintaining, repairing, replacing, equipping, improving and disposing of real property and facilities consistent with the statutory authority of the state agency. All revenues from such rental programs shall be deposited in the account established pursuant to subsection (2) of this section.

(4) Whenever a state agency that owns and operates real property and facilities, and that has an established account under subsection (2) of this section sells or leases real property, the proceeds from the sale or lease shall be credited to the account established pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, unless disposition of the proceeds is otherwise provided by law.

(5) If a state agency that owns and operates real property and facilities has other statutory authority to provide funding for real property and facility operation and management, the agency may use that authority in lieu of or in addition to the provisions of this section.

(6) When a state agency establishes an account pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, the agency shall provide a report of the revenues to and expenditures from the account as part of its budget submission to the Governor and the Legislative Assembly under ORS chapter 291. The establishment by state agencies of rental rates for real property or facilities pursuant to this section shall be on a biennial basis as part of the budget development process, but modification of the rates may be made during the interim between legislative sessions after a report to the Emergency Board of the proposed rate modification. [1995 c.452 §10]

Note: Legislative Counsel has substituted “chapter 452, Oregon Laws 1995,” for the words “this Act” in section 10, chapter 452, Oregon Laws 1995, compiled as 276.285. Specific ORS references have not been substituted pursuant to 173.160. These sections may be determined by referring to the 1995 Comparative Section Table located in Volume 20 of ORS.

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Last modified: August 7, 2008