Oregon Statutes - Chapter 411 - Adult and Family Services; Public Assistance - Section 411.595 - Procedure where waiver of federal requirement involves policy change.

(1) As used in this section “policy change” includes any change in the operation of public assistance programs that affects recipients adversely in any substantial manner, including but not limited to the denial, reduction, modification or delay of benefits. “Policy change” does not include any procedural change that affects internal management but does not adversely and substantially affect the interest of public assistance recipients.

(2) The Department of Human Services may submit applications for waiver of federal statutory or regulatory requirements to the federal government or any agency thereof. Following the submission of any application for waiver that involves a policy change, and prior to implementation, the department shall do the following:

(a) Conduct a hearing in accordance with ORS chapter 183 regarding the waiver application or application for waiver renewals and the proposed rules;

(b) Prepare a complete summary of the testimony and written comments received at the hearing;

(c) Submit the application for waiver or application for waiver renewals involving a policy change to the legislative review agency, as defined in ORS 291.375, and present the summary of testimony and comments described in this section; and

(d) Give notice of the date of its appearance before the Emergency Board or the Joint Committee on Ways and Means in accordance with ORS 183.335, and before the Family Services Review Commission. [1983 c.299 §2; 1987 c.3 §14; 2001 c.900 §90]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008