Oregon Statutes - Chapter 442 - Health Planning - Section 442.555 - Rural Health Services Program created; rules; criteria for participation.

(1) There is created the Rural Health Services Program, to be administered by the Oregon Student Assistance Commission, pursuant to rules adopted by the commission. The purpose of the program is to provide loan repayments on behalf of physicians, physician assistants, dentists, pharmacists and nurse practitioners who agree to practice in a qualifying practice site.

(2) To be eligible to participate in the program, a prospective physician, physician assistant, dentist, pharmacist or nurse practitioner shall submit a letter of interest to the commission. Applicants who are selected for participation according to criteria adopted by the commission in consultation with the Office of Rural Health shall sign a letter of agreement stipulating that the applicant agrees to abide by the terms stated in ORS 442.560.

(3) Subject to available resources, the commission may enter into agreements with not to exceed 10 prospective physicians, 10 prospective physician assistants, 10 prospective dentists, 10 prospective pharmacists and 10 prospective nurse practitioners each year. The commission may give preference to prospective physicians, physician assistants, dentists, pharmacists and nurse practitioners who agree to practice in a community that has contributed funds to the Rural Health Services Fund.

(4) The Office of Rural Health shall adopt criteria to be applied to determine medically underserved communities and qualifying practice sites for purposes of ORS 442.550 to 442.570 and for the purposes of compliance with federal Public Law 95-210, establishing rural health clinics.

(5) A qualifying practice site shall submit an application to the Office of Rural Health to participate in the program. The office shall make a list of qualifying practice sites available to prospective physicians, physician assistants, dentists, pharmacists and nurse practitioners. [1989 c.893 §17; 1991 c.877 §20; 1991 c.947 §6; 1993 c.765 §52; 1999 c.291 §32; 1999 c.704 §24; 2005 c.357 §1; 2007 c.485 §2]

Note: See note under 442.550.

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Last modified: August 7, 2008