Oregon Statutes - Chapter 442 - Health Planning - Section 442.563 - Certifying certain individuals providing rural health care for tax credit; rules.

(1) Subject to ORS 442.560, the Office of Rural Health shall establish criteria for certifying individuals eligible for the tax credit authorized by ORS 315.613, 315.616 or 315.619. Upon application therefor, the office shall certify individuals eligible for the tax credit authorized by ORS 315.613.

(2) The classification of rural hospitals for purposes of determining eligibility under this section shall be the classification of the hospital in effect on January 1, 1991. [1989 c.893 §7; 1991 c.877 §19; 1995 c.746 §35; 1999 c.291 §35; 1999 c.459 §4]

Note: See note under 442.550.

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Last modified: August 7, 2008