Oregon Statutes - Chapter 65 - Nonprofit Corporations - Section 65.441 - Class voting by members on amendments.

(1) In a public benefit corporation the members of a class entitled to vote on articles are entitled to vote as a class on a proposed amendment to the articles if the amendment would affect the rights of that class as to voting in a manner different than the amendment would affect another class or members of another class.

(2) In a mutual benefit corporation the members of a class entitled to vote on articles are entitled to vote as a class on a proposed amendment to the articles if the amendment would:

(a) Affect the rights, privileges, preferences, restrictions or conditions of that class as to voting, dissolution, redemption or transfer of memberships in a manner different than such amendment would affect another class;

(b) Change the rights, privileges, preferences, restrictions or conditions of that class as to voting, dissolution, redemption or transfer by changing the rights, privileges, preferences, restrictions or conditions of another class;

(c) Increase or decrease the number of memberships authorized for that class;

(d) Increase the number of memberships authorized for another class;

(e) Effect an exchange, reclassification or termination of the memberships of that class; or

(f) Authorize a new class of memberships.

(3) In a religious corporation the members of a class entitled to vote on articles are entitled to vote as a class on a proposed amendment to the articles only if a class vote is provided for in the articles or bylaws.

(4) If a class is to be divided into two or more classes as a result of an amendment to the articles of a public benefit or mutual benefit corporation, the amendment must be approved by the members of each class entitled to vote on articles that would be created by the amendment.

(5) Except as provided in the articles or bylaws of a religious corporation, if a class vote is required to approve an amendment to the articles of a corporation, the amendment must be approved by the members of the class entitled to vote on articles by two-thirds of the votes cast by the class or a majority of the voting power of the class, whichever is less.

(6) A class of members of a public benefit or mutual benefit corporation is entitled to the voting rights granted by this section although the articles and bylaws provide that the class may not vote on the proposed amendment. [1989 c.1010 §110]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008