(1) An applicant is eligible for licensing by the State Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology as a speech-language pathologist if the applicant:
(a) Possesses at least a master’s degree or equivalent in the area of speech-language pathology from an approved college or university.
(b) Submits transcripts from one or more approved colleges or universities presenting evidence of the completion of at least 60 semester hours constituting a well-integrated program that includes at least 18 semester hours in courses that provide fundamental information applicable to normal development and use of speech, hearing and language, and at least 42 semester hours in courses that provide information about and training in the management of speech, hearing and language disorders and that provide information supplementary to these fields.
(c) Submits evidence of the completion of a minimum of 275 clock hours of supervised, direct clinical experience with individuals presenting a variety of disorders of communication. The experience must be obtained within the training institution or in one of its cooperating programs.
(d) Presents written evidence from a licensed or certified speech-language pathologist supervisor of nine months of full-time post-educational professional employment, or its part-time equivalent, that is pertinent to the speech-language pathologist license. For purposes of this paragraph, “full-time” means at least nine months in a calendar year and a minimum of 30 hours per week, and “part-time equivalent” means:
(A) 15 to 19 hours per week during a period of at least 72 weeks.
(B) 20 to 24 hours per week during a period of at least 60 weeks.
(C) 25 to 29 hours per week during a period of at least 48 weeks.
(e) Passes an examination approved by the board. The board shall determine the subject and scope of the examinations. Written examinations may be supplemented by oral examinations as the board determines. An applicant who fails the examination may be reexamined at a subsequent examination.
(2) Of the 42 semester hours required under subsection (1)(b) of this section:
(a) No fewer than six semester hours may be in audiology;
(b) No more than six semester hours may be in courses that provide academic credit for clinical practice;
(c) At least 24 semester hours, not including credit for thesis or dissertation, must be in courses in the field for which the license is requested; and
(d) At least 30 semester hours must be in courses acceptable toward a graduate degree by the college or university in which those courses are taken. [Formerly 694.345; 1985 c.64 §5; 1989 c.491 §67b; 1995 c.280 §5; 2005 c.698 §4]
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